AND IS (00093920 OR 00461520 OR 00220663 OR 1040726X OR 09594752 OR 0361476X OR 20448279 OR 07370008 OR 00204277 OR 10416080)
- 教育心理学のうち,教授学習過程研究に関するいわゆるBig Journalsというのは(順不同で),Child Development, Educational Psychologist, Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology Review, Learning and Instruction, Contemporary Educational Psychology, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Cognition and Instruction, Instructional Science, Learning and Individual Differences だと思う(たぶん)。
- PsycINFOの場合,ISSNで限定させて検索するとよい。各ジャーナルのISSNは以下の通り。
- Child Development: 00093920
- Educational Psychologist: 00461520
- Journal of Educational Psychology: 00220663
- Educational Psychology Review: 1040726X
- Learning and Instruction: 09594752
- Contemporary Educational Psychology: 0361476X
- British Journal of Educational Psychology: 20448279
- Cognition and Instruction: 07370008
- Instructional Science: 00204277
- Learning and Individual Differences: 10416080
タイトル,アブストラクト,キーワードに "meta analysis" OR "meta-analysis"
を含みタイトルに,"correction to"
(TI ( "meta analysis" OR "meta-analysis" ) OR AB ( "meta analysis" OR "meta-analysis" ) OR KW ( "meta analysis" OR "meta-analysis" )) AND IS (00093920 OR 00461520 OR 00220663 OR 1040726X OR 09594752 OR 0361476X OR 20448279 OR 07370008 OR 00204277 OR 10416080) NOT (TI "correction to")